Submission Rules

1. All photos must be taken during the contest! For fairness, no past or historic photos allowed. The contest runs from Sept 18th 2021 to Nov 30th 2021.

2. All photos of buses must clearly be on the submitted route - if the bus is displaying the route number, even better!

3. Please, submit only one entry per route per person! Photos take up space, and I don't want to run out...

4. The photos submitted must be your own work!

Your username will not be shown on the galleries for judging, but will be used to determine the winner for each route. Judging will start on Dec 1st! There will be a winner for each route, and there are a LOT of routes out there. See how many you can win!

Best of luck - stay safe. Let's see how many different routes we can get!

Voting Instructions

The contest is now closed, and all submissions are in. It's time to vote for the best submission for each route! Later, there might be extra voting for overall categories, but for now, it will just be the best per route. In order to vote, you should be a member of the Vancouver T-Comm Discord. (I assume most if not all of you already are!)

Here are the steps to vote:

1. Obtain a voting password by DMing bumblesquash on the T-Comm discord with and say "I want to vote in the photo challenge" or something similar.

2. Select a route to vote for by using the search box on the main page. You can't vote on routes with no submissions or only one submission.

3. Choose your favourite submission from among the ones present. Select it, and then confirm your vote by entering your voting password and clicking "Confirm vote"

4. Select a different route! You can vote in any order, and for as many as you like.

Voting closes at 11:59PM on December 19th (subject to change).

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

- Bumblesquash 2021

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